At Allied you will find a wide variety of glazed partitions, whether made of aluminum or timber, not to mention acoustic insulation that can offer greater comfort and privacy for meetings and workplaces. In glazing, we also supply Loft Glazed Partitions, Atrium Glazing and Fire Rated Screens.
Maars Living Walls
Komfort Glazed Partitioning
Tallaght Innovation Centre
ARCHITECT: McCullough Mulvin Architects MAIN CONTRACTOR: Clancy Project Management LOCATION: TALLAGHT, DUBLIN 24The Tallaght Innovation Centre is a cutting-edge...
Allied Become Irish Exclusive Partners for ECHOJAZZ– Acoustic PET EchoBoards
Allied is thrilled to become the Irish exclusive partners with ECHOJAZZ and are excited to work on the many projects in Ireland where ECHOJAZZ is the chosen project...
Azets Ireland
ARCHITECT: MILLIMETRE DESIGN CLIENT: AZETS IRELAND LOCATION: BALLSBRIDGEAzets Ireland is a leading provider of accounting, tax, and business advisory services, with a...