Allied Workspace completed the installation of fire rated structural glass floors to the first and second floors as part of the new construction work at St Anne’s Convent, Booterstown.
St Anne’s Convent, dating back to 1760, is located off Booterstown Avenue in Dublin, between the Church of the Assumption and St Andrew’s College. The project involved the restoration of a grouping of protected structures and the construction of two new extensions.
New circulation spaces are located at the junction of the protected structures and the new north extension, allowing the distinction between old and new structures to be easily read and aiding legibility. A lightwell is created at this junction allowing light to penetrate down to ground floor and the north facade of the east wing to be read rising up three storeys.
“A fire rated glass floor allows light to pass through a building reducing the need for artificial lighting and providing a natural source of daylight. The introduction of light through the core of a building can transform what might otherwise be a dull and claustrophobic interior”.